

The test consist 4 sections
For each section there will be specific time limit.

First section (25 question time 15 min )

It consist 2 types of questions
I. Fill in the blanks.
II. Reading Comprehension

Second section (Mental Ability 20 min)

Third section (Quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning min 35 -25 ques)

Fourth section (Technical) 15 question 20 min

Logical Reasoning Questions.

One hundred and twenty five small cube of equal size are
arranged in a solid pile of dimension 5*5*5 .Then from one corner
one cube is removed from the top. From the opposite corner 8 cubes
(2*2*2) are removed from the third corner a column of three cubes and
from the fourth corner a column of 4 cubes r removed the remaining
solid are coloured red on all the exposed faces...

1. How many cubes in the second layer from the top do not have any
coloured face
ans : 6

2: How many cubes in the third layer have at least two coloured faces each
ans :8

3: How many cubes in the fourth layer from the top have only one colour face each..
ans :10

4: How many cubes in the bottom layer have at least one coloured face each
ans :16

5: How many cubes in the top four layers taken together have only one coloured
face each

6: How many cubes do not have any colour face
ans : 32

7: How many cubes have three colour faces each
ans :12

8: How many cubes have only two colour faces each?
ans :24

9: How many cubes have only one colour faces each?
ans : 41

10: How many cubes are there in the top layer ?
ans : 18


Pointer concept,
Linked lists,
File handling commands.

Technical Section
Which one is not needed for Multi-program environment?

Virtual memory,
Time sharing,
none of the above.

Which one is not done by Data link layer ?

Bit stuffing,
Parity check

What is the function of Data link layer?

Which one is not suitable for client-server application?
message passing,
none of the above.

Term stickily bit is related to
b)undeletable file

What is the function of Semaphore variable ?

Unix system is

a)multi processing
b)multi processing, multiuser
c)multi processing , multiuser, multitasking
d)multiuser, multitasking

x.25 protocol encapsulates the following layers

d)all of the above
e)none of the above

TCP/IP can work on


A node has the ip address and it is
transmitting data from node1 to node2only. The reason may be

a)a node cannot have more than one address
b)class A should have second octet different
c)class B should have second octet different

For an application which exceeds 64k the memory model should be


The condition required for dead lock in unix system is _____


Why paging is used ?

Which is the best page replacement algorithm and Why?

What is software life cycle or SDLC?

Which are the different phases in Software life cycle

How much time is spent usually in each phases and why ?

What is testing of a software?

Which are the different types of testing?

Which are the different phases in Software life cycle ?

Why is analysis and testing phases very important ?

Why networks are layered ? What is the advantage of that ?

How many layers are there in OSI ? Why is it called OSI model ?

What are the network topologies ?

Give an example of bus type network.

What is Ethernet?

What is the Bandwidth of Ethernet ?

Explain the advantage and disadvantage of Ethernet ?

Which is the protocol used in Ethernet. (CSMA/CD) Why is it called so ?

What is the advantage of Ring network ?

Compare it with Ethernet.

What is inheritance, encapsulation etc.

If there are too many page faults what is the problem?

To ensure one program doesn’t corrupt other program in a Multi-program. environment

what you should do?

Which one you will use to implement critical section?

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Comments (5)

On May 17, 2011 at 12:15 AM , Vishal said...

Thanks for giving this helpful placement papers.

Placement Papers

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