Lessons for scoring high marks in Quantitative section in CAT,GMAT...
Quantitative section in CAT is one of the most dreaded sections by a majority of aspirants. But if we analyze the CAT papers of previous years, Quantitative is one section which can easily increase your overall score and percentile.
In order to increase the score in Quantitative section we need to study Quantitative in a more systematic way. First we need to categorize whole Quantitative portion in to different sections.
Main Categories of Quantitative section
Geometry& Trigonometry
Permutations & Combinations
Functions & Graphs
Time & Work
Time & Distance
In a CAT scenario, the sections like Numbers, Geometry , Progressions, P&C are having higher weightage compared to topics like Time & Work, Time & Distance etc. The most important being Numbers. The topic numbers are extensively used for giving questions in both Quantitative and Data Interpretation sections.
Different Approaches to solve Quantitative Questions:-
a.Direct or convectional method of going from the question to the answer.But this method is least preferable in competitive exams like CAT.
b.Elimination of answer options or going with the options.This is the best and quickest way to reach the required answer.
c.Substitution of some values in the question.This method is very much useful for algebra problems
The detailed analysis of each sections and tips for each sections with examples are coming in next posts....

Comments (2)
hi neo,
The quant section was always my headache in CATs.
Thank you for the simple basic lessons, and hope to expect more
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