Reserve Bank of India (RBI)-Sample Objective Paper
RBI selection is held through Written Examinations (WE) and Interview.
'WE' will be held in two phases as under:
Phase I-Objective Type
Phase II-Descriptive Type
i) Phase I (Objective Type Test): This Paper of 3 hours duration for 200 marks will be held on Sunday, the October 11, 2009.
The Paper consists tests of 4 areas
i) General Awareness
ii) English Language
iii) Quantitative Aptitude
iv) Reasoning.
ii) Phase II (Descriptive Type Test): This paper has the following sections1) Paper I – English
2) Paper II – Economic and Social Issues
3) Paper III – Finance and Management.
Each of these papers is of 3 hours duration carrying 100 marks.
Phase I- Reasoning section
Answer the following questions by marking the answer options a,b,c,d or e.
a.The question can be answered by statement 1 alone.
b.The question can be answered by statement 2 alone.
c.The question can be answered by either statement alone.
d.The question can be answered only by combining both statements together.
e.The question cannot be answered by given data.
John and Aby each received a salary increase. Which one received the greater salary increase?
(1) John’s salary increased 8 percent.
(2) Aby’s salary increased 5 percent
At a certain picnic, each of the guests was served either a single scoop or a double scoop of ice cream. How many of the guests were served a double scoop of ice cream?
(1) At the picnic, 60 percent of the guests were served a double scoop of ice cream.
(2) A total of 120 scoops of ice cream were served to all the guests at the picnic.
By what percent was the price of a certain candy bar increased?
(1) The price of the candy bar was increased by 5 Rs.
(2) The price of the candy bar after the increase was 45 Rs.
Is it true that a > b?
(1) 2a > 2b
(2) a + c > b + c
If m and n are consecutive positive integers, is m greater than n?
(1) m – 1 and n +1 are consecutive positive integers.
(2) m is an even integer
If x + 2y + 1 = y – x, what is the value of x?
(1) y2 = 9
(2) y = 3
If n is an integer, then n is divisible by how many positive integers?
(1) n is the product of two different prime numbers.
(2) n and 23 are each divisible by the same number of positive integers
If x and y are positive, what’s the value of x ?
(1) x = 3.927y
(2) y = 2.279
What is the value of the sum of a list of n odd integers?
(1) n = 8
(2) The square of the number of integers on the list is 64
What is the ratio of x to y?
(1) x is 4 more than twice y.
(2) The ratio of 0.5x to 2y is 3 to 5.
What was the average number of kilometers per litre of petrol for a car during a certain trip?
(1) The total cost of the petrol used by the car for the 180-km trip was Rs12.00.
(2) The cost of the petrol used by the car for the trip was Rs.1.20 per litre.
Is the prime number p equal to 37?
(1) p = n2 +1, where n is an integer.
(2) p2 is greater than 200.

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