General Knowledge for Civil Service Examination 

Which is the Largest Peninsula

Ans : Arabia

Which is the Largest Freshwater Lake

Ans : Lake Superior

Which is the Largest Archipelago

Ans : Indonesia

Which is the Largest Saltwater Lake

Ans : Caspian Sea

Which is the Largest Desert

Ans : Sahara (Africa)

Which is the Largest Delta

Ans : Sunderbans (Bengal)

Which is the Largest River

Ans : Nile

Which is the Smallest Continent

Ans : Australia

Which is the Highest Plateau

Ans : Pamir (Tibet)

Which is the Highest Mountain Peak

Ans : Everest (Nepal)

Which is the first state in India has been formed on purely linguistic basis?

Ans : Andra Pradesh

The famous Thirumala Thirupathi Venkateswara Temple is in which district?

Ans : Chittoor

Which is known as twin cities?

Ans : Hyderabad and Secunderabad

Which state is known as the 'Orchid Paradise of India?

Ans : Arunachal Pradesh

Jammu & Kashmir was acceded to India on

Ans : 26th October 1947

Sea of Tranquility' and 'Ocean of Storms' are in

Ans : Moon

The alliance of non-communist parties against congress in the 1972 elections were known as

Ans : Grand Alliance

In a vacuum flask, silvering reduces the loss of heat by

Ans : radiation

The period of oscillation of a pendulum depends on

Ans : length of the spring

The boiling point of a liquid ......... if pressure is decreased

Ans : decreases

No sound is heard on the moon because there is ..... on the moon

Ans : no atmosphere

Why do water pipes, in hilly areas, often burst on a cold, frosty night?

Ans : When water in the pipe freezes, it expands. So pipes break

Why do we sweat on a hot day?

Ans : In order to maintain a constant temperature, sweating is necessary

Why do the clothes keep us warm during winter?

Ans : Clothes prevent the heat of the body to escape.

Why do we hear better on water than land?

Ans : Sound travels faster in water than air

Why are the mountains cooler than plains?

Ans : Air on the mountains is less dense so it absorbs less heat.

Why is it easier to swim in sea water than in river?

Ans : Density of sea water is higher

The first human-made objects to reach altitudes above 80 km is

Ans : V-2s, a rocket

The slogan associated with French Revolution

Ans : Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

In 1815 Napoleon was defeated in the battle of

Ans : Waterloo

Whose period was known as the Golden Age of Rome?

Ans : Augustus Caesar

The king ruled in the period of French revolution

Ans : Louis 16th

The political party of Hitler

Ans : National Socialist Party (Nazi)

Brown shirts were associated with

Ans : Hitler

The political party of Mussolini

Ans : Fascist Party

Black shirts were associated with

Ans : Mussolini

Who organized 'Red Army'

Ans : Trotsky

AIDS disease was first identified in which country

Ans : America in 1981

The first woman I.P.S Officer of India

Ans : Kiran Bedi

Mandi House' is

Ans : The office of the Director General of Doordarshan

Speed' the improved quality of petrol was introduced by

Ans : B.P. (Bharat Petroleum)

Gobi desert is situated in

Ans : Mangolia/Northeastern China

Kalahari desert is situated in

Ans : Botswana

Java island is in which ocean

Ans : Indian Ocean

Four divided stages of prehistoric periods are

Ans : Paleolithic period, Mesolithic period, Neolithic period and Chalcolithic period

Who proposed the germ theory of disease

Ans : Louis Pasture

First woman Governor

Ans : Sarojini Naidu

First woman Minister

Ans : Vijayalakshmy Pandit

First woman Chief Minister

Ans : Sucheta Kripalani

First woman Ruler in Delhi

Ans : Raziya Begum

First woman Speaker

Ans : Suseela Nayar

Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress?

Ans : Annie Besant

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On February 8, 2017 at 9:51 AM , negi said... good content on competitive exams