Nokia India
Technical Paper Sample 1
(C/C++/OS concepts, programming concepts)

1. Write a function to reverse the binary short integer

2. Write a program to delete an element in the single linked list without starting pointer.

3. Write a program for the following state diagram

- Edges- events
-Squares -nodes

OS concepts

1. What is the critical section code.

2. Which resource(s) used for the critical section.

a. semaphore

b. shared memory

c. mutexs

d. message queues

3. Scheduler is based on the priority non-pre –emptive. Task T1 is higher priority and task T2 is of lover priority. If task T2 is running and task T1 is ready. What is the scheduler action?

Nokia Interview Questions
These questions are asked to a candidate with 1 year experience in mobile industry.
Technical Round 1
1. What all debugging techniques have you learnt so far to debug mobile phone application?
2. Given a set of numbers find a consecutive subset of numbers whose sum is maximum. What is the complexity of your algorithm?
3. How will you implement a memory leak detector for your mobile application, so that when you come out of a scope, you can alert developer that there is a memory leak
4.What is the most challenging bug that you have fixed for a mobile application?
5. What are the differences between C++ and Java?
Technical Round 2
1. How does a UNIX machine boot, what is the process id of in it?
2. Describe file system in UNIX.
3. How can a process communicate with another process in most efficient way?
4. How can you detect memory corruption?
5. Design a system which has UI which takes either an array of characters or integers, and a sorting algorithm(e.g. quick sort, merge sort) it sorts the array passed based on the algorithm passed.
Technical Round 3
1. Declare = operator for a class.
2. Why = operator has to return a reference why cannot it be void.
3. Explain how a mobile browser application works.
4. What is placement syntax?
5. Can a constructor be virtual ?
6. How do you prevent developer allocating memory for a class in heap ?
7. How do you prevent developer from allocating memory for a class in Stack?

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