1) what are the different modes of operation of mosfet and BJT ( Linear & Switching and Cut off)
2) how do you implement a current source using BJT or MOSFET.
3) what is hysteresis. and what are the advantages and disadvantages of it.
4) what are the effects of vias on PCB.
5) how do you design a voltage to frequency converter.
6) 8051 architecture.
7) Ethernet communication
8) Different types of serial communications ex. I2C
9) Different types of memory devices ( ROM, RAM,SRAM and EEPROM etc)
10) How to select an Opto coupler.
11) what is the main advantage of using a bridge rectifier rather than using a full wave rectifier.
12) what are the applications of zener diode.
13) what are the applications of schottky diode.
14) why do we need a Gate Driver for Mosfet in Switching operations.
15) what is pulse width modulation. give any examples.
16) how does SMPS ( Switch mode power supply works)
17) what does it mean by PID control.
18) what are different types of Flip flops.
19) what is meant by quiescent current and what is the significance of it.
20) How does an instrumentation amplifier differs from normal operational amplifier
21) What are snubbers and how does they protect switching circuits.
22) What is sampling time and how to fix it.
23) What is Rogowski coil and what are its advantages over normal current transformer.
24) What is Ringing, Overshoot and Undershoot how to reduce them.
25) what is a relaxation oscillator.
26) what is hysteresis.
27) what are the different applications of comparators.
28) how does a Unijunction Transistor works.
29) how does programable unijunction transistor works.
30) what are the differences between ASIC, FPGA and CPLD.
31) how to select a network processor.
32) what is the difference between radiated emissions and conducted emissions how to detect and reduce them.
33) what are the different types of negative resistance devices and what are their applications.
34) What is the major application of Zener Diode.
35) When do we use Schottky diode.
36) What is the difference between RISC and CISC processors.
37) What is tri-state logic.
38) What is the difference between Hardware reset and Software reset.
39) How do you determine the response time of any circuit.[loop response]
40) What is an integrator how do design it.
41) What factors will impact the characteristic impedance of the PCB (Dielectric property of insulating material, Seperation between the planes, thickness of the trace.)
42) What are the advantages of using differential signal routing in PCB.
43) How do we make sure that the impedance matching between driver and reciever are maintained?
6:49 AM |
Hardware Placement Papers,
Technical interviews,
Technical Question Banks
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